These tips and rules are here to help you have the best experience at Wakefield Tattoo.
SKIN CARE PRIOR TO APPOINTMENT. Please make sure to avoid excessive sun damage or exposure to chemicals that could damage the surface of your skin. Exposure to these will prohibit your artist from being able to work on you during the requested session which will result in a rescheduling of your an appoint. In addition, your deposit will be withheld.
BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT. It is always a great idea to have a meal and lots of water. Hydration is a very important part of getting tattooed as it can lessen the time of your session if the skin is healthy and hydrated.
CASH ONLY. We are a cash only establishment. There are many ATMs in the area. You can always ask your artist for a rough price estimate before visiting so you know how much cash to bring with you.
DEPOSITS. Deposits can be made with cash in person at the shop or your artist may request a deposit via Venmo or PayPal to book your appointment. Deposits may be anywhere between $60-$200 depending on the size of your tattoo. If you’re getting a larger piece of artwork, it is helpful to know that your deposit will be rolled over until your last session. If you miss your appointment or cancel last minute, your deposit is nonrefundable.
DRAWINGS. The drawing of your tattoo that the artist creates will only be viewable at the time of your appointment. There are no exceptions. At this time, please let us know if there is anything about the piece you would like to change to ensure you love the art we have created for you.
ALCOHOL. It is not the best idea to consume alcohol before your appointment. We all want to have fun, however, alcohol is known to thin the blood. If there is excessive bleeding during your tattoo appointment it will increase the duration of your appointment because the body will be rejecting the pigment during the process.
MEDICATIONS. Please be aware that certain medication may also cause thinning of the blood. It is always a good idea to speak with your doctor prior to a tattoo appointment and discuss what certain medications you are on may cause during your appointment.
BODY HAIR. Some of us have more than others. It’s a good idea if you have excess body hair to trim it with a buzzer prior to your appointment. We do not recommend shaving the skin where the tattoo will be placed. Sometimes this can cause irritation to the hair follicles causing the area to become inflamed. If there is inflammation on the surface of your skin due to razor burn, the time of your tattoo appointment will be increased.
MARY JANE. Everyone likes to have a good time and we are happy to see that our state is now embracing recreational marijuana use, however, marijuana has been known to increase sensitivity in your skin. This could cause irritation of your tattoo application. It is always a good idea to be sweet leaf free prior to getting tattooed.
MORAL SUPPORT. Getting a tattoo can be an intimidating process. Especially those who do not have a pre-established relationship with their artist or tattoo shop. It is always okay to bring a friend or significant other with you to your appointment, but please let your plus one know a few things. The artist needs a great deal of focus to carry out a perfect work of art. It is never helpful to have someone hovering over them, giving suggestions, or crossing respectable distance boundaries. Pretend you are in a dentist office! It is great to bring a friend but there isn’t a need to bring more than one friend. We love and encourage as many people to stop by our beautiful establishment but given recent events of airborne illnesses we would like to keep our “guest list” to a minimum of plus one.